Mecklenburg, Susanne (1); Berruti, Bruno (1); Provost, Dany (2); Wilson, Hilary (2); Goryl, Philippe (1); Femenias, Pierre (1); Donlon, Craig (1); Buongiorno, Alessandra (1); Monjoux, Eric (1) 1: European Space Agency, Italy; 2: EUMETSAT
1. Introduction
The Copernicus Programme, being Europe’s Earth Observation and Monitoring Programme led by the European Union, aims to provide, on a sustainable basis, reliable and timely services related to environmental and security issues. The Copernicus Programme uses multiple source data and comprises a service component, a space infrastructure component and an in-situ component. The objective of the Copernicus Space Component (CSC) Programme is to fulfil the space-based observation requirements in response to European policy priorities with a particular emphasis on the Copernicus core services as identified by the Commission. It aims at developing a fully operational capability in view of feeding Copernicus services with satellite data. The CSC Programme also aims at the operational provision of satellite data for other European and national services. The main data source for the CSC Programme are the Sentinels, dedicated missions providing continuity to past or present data sets. In addition, the CSC Programme covers the development and operations of a Data Access Layer, the Coordinated Data System (CDS), aiming at providing Copernicus Services with satellite data from other than Sentinel missions (ESA, National, EUMETSAT and other Third Party Missions) of relevance to the overall space component of Copernicus.
2. The Sentinel-3 mission
The Sentinel-3 mission forms part of the Copernicus Space Component. Its main objectives are to measure sea-surface topography, sea- and land-surface temperature and ocean- and land-surface colour in support of ocean forecasting systems, and for environmental and climate monitoring. The series of Sentinel-3 satellites will ensure global, frequent and near-real time ocean, ice and land monitoring, with the provision of observation data in routine, long term (up to 20 years of operations) and continuous fashion, with a consistent quality and a high level of reliability and availability.
The Sentinel-3 mission addresses these requirements by implementing and operating the following instruments, building on experience and heritage from the ERS and ENVISAT missions:
A dual frequency, delay-Doppler Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter (SRAL) instrument supported by a dual frequency passive microwave radiometer (MWR) for wet-tropospheric correction, a Precise Orbit Determination package including a GPS receiver, a DORIS instrument and a laser retro-reflector for precise orbit determination. The combined topography package will provide exact measurements of sea-surface height, which are essential for ocean forecasting systems and climate monitoring. SRAL will also provide accurate topography measurements over sea ice, ice sheets, rivers and lakes.
A highly sensitive Ocean and Land Colour Imager (OLCI) delivering multi-channel wide-swath optical measurements for ocean and land surfaces. With 21 bands, compared to the 15 on Envisat’s MERIS, a design optimised to minimise sun-glint and, a resolution of 300 m over all surfaces, OLCI marks a new generation of measurements over the ocean and land. The swath of OCLI and nadir SLSTR fully overlap.
A dual-view Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) delivering accurate surface ocean, land, and ice temperature, with an accuracy better than 0.3 K. SLSTR measures in 9 spectral channels and two additional bands optimised for fire monitoring. SLSTR has a spatial resolution in the visible and shortwave infrared channels of 500 m and 1 km in the thermal infrared channels.
Full performance will be achieved once both Sentinel-3A (launch foreseen for 3rd quarter 2015) and -3B will be in orbit, with a revisit time of less than two days for OLCI and less than one day for SLSTR at the equator. The satellite orbit provides a 27-day repeat for the topography package, with a 4-day sub-cycle.
3. Preparing for operations
On the space segment, platform and payload, final integration and tests are on-going for launch readiness towards the 3rd quarter of 2015. The ground segment acquiring, processing and disseminating core data products in an operational context in the required timeliness to Copernicus, national users and other users is presently put in place.
The Sentinel-3 missions will be jointly operated by ESA and EUMETSAT. ESA will be responsible for the operations, maintenance and evolution of the Sentinel-3 ground segment on land related products and EUMETSAT for the marine products. All facilities supporting the Sentinel-3 operations are in place:
Data acquisition and near real time (NRT) product generation, including data downlink and processing (NRT and offline) will be performed at Svalbard station,
Processing and Archiving Centres (PAC), which will perform the Sentinels’ systematic non-time-critical data processing, the on-the-fly data processing for specific cases and the reprocessing in case of processing algorithms or calibration parameters upgrades:
OLCI processing and archiving will be performed at DLR,
SRAL processing and archiving will be performed at CLS,
SLSTR and S-3 synergy products processing and archiving will be performed by ACRI,
EUMETSAT’s marine centre acts as PAC for marine products.
Missions Performance Centre (MPC): Operational Quality Control, Expert Support Laboratories (ESL), Calibration and Validation
4. Data products
The Sentinel-3 ground segment systematically acquires, processes and distributes a set of pre-defined core data products to the users. For a detailed description of the core data products please see On request from the European Commission ESA and EUMETSAT are presently assessing the possibility to include further data products, in particular on aerosol optical depth, fire monitoring and synergistic products over land.
5. Focus of this paper
This paper will provide an update on the status of the development of the space and ground segment for the Sentinel-3 mission, including an overview and available data products and data access mechanisms.