Malthus, Tim (1); Anstee, Janet (1); Botha, Elizabeth (1); Hestir, Erin (2); Dekker, Arnold (1) 1: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia; 2: North Carolina State University, USA
Water quality is a critical component of global fresh water security and ecosystem health, yet existing data are scarce and declining, have poor geographic and temporal coverage, and may be of questionable accuracy. The value of remote sensing to improving understanding of water quality is recognised [1]. These methodologies may provide a complementary data stream in the water quality monitoring toolkit, including detection of the formation of algal blooms.
In Australia the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms is increasing and results in AU$180-240 million of costs to affected communities per annum [2]. Increases in potentially toxic cyanobacteria species in blooms is a particular concern, increasing threats to both human and animal health [3]. Traditional field monitoring for algal bloom detection involves identification and cell counting which, whilst reliable, imparts a lag time and can only be limited in spatial extent. In the Australian context, overcoming the vast geographic distances to be covered is a particular challenge; satellite remote sensing thus provides an appealing complementary, spatially continuous alternative to water managers for water quality monitoring, albeit for a limited set of water quality parameters [4]
Whilst the underlying physics of optical inland water quality is the same as that for ocean colour, remote sensing of inland waters is complicated by greater variability in optical properties [4]. However, whilst inversion algorithms are sufficiently mature to cope with the variability of optical properties in inland waters, they are primarily limited by reduced knowledge of the bio-optical properties of the inland waters. This is particularly the case for Australian inland waters [4].
The OLCI sensor on Sentinel 3 offers the potential of wide scale, frequent monitoring of water quality in large inland water bodies in support of monitoring and the development of early bloom alerts for water managers. Recent systematic studies over several years have increased the knowledge of the optical properties of Australia’s inland waters [e.g. 5]. We further present the results of an assessment of the OLCI’s potential for monitoring inland optical water quality dynamics in Australia over a range of optical water types found in New South Wales, Australia. The research is part of a joint CSIRO/ New South Wales Office of Water project into the development of an earth observation-based algal alert system built around a range of satellite platforms (e.g. Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel 2, Sentinel 3). The aim of the project is to develop procedures that use proximal and remote sensing technologies to support cyanobacterial monitoring, including real time data for immediate management use, and a wider spatial coverage of major inland waters.
Using both modeled and real spectral data, in the initial stages established semi-empirical water quality algorithms for both suspended sediment concentrations and algal greening were developed to form the basis of an algal alerting system for NSW water managers. The algorithms were developed and tuned using in situ measurements of reflectance and water constituent concentrations taken during 2012 and 2013 over two seasons in these NSW water bodies. The results of the empirical analysis will be reported here. Later stages of the project will investigate the value of physics-based inverstion algorithms potentially coupled to alert algorithms for pigments specific in cyanobacteria.
The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Inland and Near-Coastal Water Quality Remote Sensing Working Group
Davis, J.R. and Koop, K. (2006) Eutrophication in Australian rivers, reservoirs and estuaries: A southern hemisphere perspective on the science and its implications, Hydrobiologia, 559:3–76.
Carmichael, W. W. (2001) Health effects of toxin-producing cyanobacteria: “The 37 CyanoHABs”. Human and ecological risk assessment: An International Journal, 7:1393-1407.
Dekker, A.D. and Hestir, E.L., (2012). Evaluating the Feasibility of Systematic Inland Water Quality Monitoring with Satellite Remote Sensing. CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, Canberra, p. 123.
Hestir et al. (2015). The relationship between dissolved organic matter absorption and dissolved organic carbon in reservoirs along a temperate to tropical gradient. Remote Sensing of Environment, 156:395–402.