Session: Atmosphere I
Back2015-06-04 15:00 - 2015-06-04 16:40
Chair: Elisa Castelli, ISAC/ CNR
Chair: Jürgen Fischer, Free University Berlin
Paper 143 - Session title: Session: Atmosphere I
15:20 Application of GRASP Algorithm for Retrieving Aerosol and Surface Properties from Sentinel-3 Observations
Dubovik, Oleg (1); Litvinov, Pavel (1); Lapyonok, Tatyana (1); Ducos, Fabrice (1); Fuertes, David (1); Huang, Xin (1); Derimian, Yevgeny (1); Lopatin, Anton (1); Amberger, Stefan (2); Ebner, Gabriel (2); Hart, hristian (2); Marth, Daniel (2); Aspetsberger, Michael (2); Federspiel, Christian (2) 1: University of Lille 1/ CNRS, France; 2: Catalysts GmbH, High Performance Computing, Huemerstrasse 23, 4020 Linz, Austria
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Paper 150 - Session title: Session: Atmosphere I
16:20 The Envisat ERS-1/ERS-2 Microwave Radiometer Time series: Toward Fundamental and Tthematic Climate Data Records
Bennartz, Ralf (1,2); Hannes, Diedrich (3); Frank, Fell (4); Rainer, Hollmann (5); Bruno, Picard (6); Marc, Schroeder (5); Oliver, Sus (5) 1: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, United States of America; 2: University of Wisconsin – Madison, United States of America; 3: Free University of Berlin, Germany; 4: Informus GmbH, Berlin, Germany; 5: German Meteorological Service, Offenbach, Germany; 6: Collecte Localisation Satellites, Toulouse, France
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Paper 275 - Session title: Session: Atmosphere I
15:00 Retrieval of Aerosol Absorption over Ocean using AATSR/MERIS and its application to SLSTR/OLCI
Filipitsch, Florian; Preusker, Rene; Fischer, Jürgen Freie Universität Berlion, Germany
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Paper 326 - Session title: Session: Atmosphere I
16:00 ESA Climate Change Initiative: Towards an Adjusted FAMEC Algorithm Applicable to SLSTR and OLCI Measurements
Carbajal Henken, Cintia Karin; Preusker, Rene; Fischer, Jürgen Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
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Paper 338 - Session title: Session: Atmosphere I
15:40 Remote Sensing of Aerosol and Marine Parameters in Coastal Environments: The Advantage of Using Polarized Radiative Transfer Simulations of the Coupled Atmosphere-water System to Analyze OLCI Measurements?
Stamnes, Knut (1); Stamnes, Jakob (2) 1: Geminali AS, United States of America; 2: Geminali AS, Oslo, Norway
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