Bruniquel, Jérôme (1); Labroue, Sylvie (5); Féménias, Pierre (2); Goryl, Philippe (2); Bourg, Ludovic (1); Rouffi, Frédéric (1); Smith, Dave (3); Quartly, Graham (6); Bonekamp, Hans (4) 1: ACRI-ST, France; 2: ESA/ESRIN, Italy; 3: STFC/RAL Space, UK; 4: EUMETSAT, Germany; 5: CLS, France; 6: PML, UK
As part of the Sentinel-3 mission and in order to ensure the highest quality of products, ESA in cooperation with EUMETSAT has set up the Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Centre (S-3 MPC). This facility is part of the Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) and aims at controlling the quality of all generated products, from L0 to L2. The S-3 MPC is composed of a Coordinating Centre (CC), where the core infrastructure is hosted, which is in charge of the main routine activities (especially the quality control of data) and the overall service management. Expert Support Laboratories (ESLs) are involved in calibration and validation activities and provide specific assessment of the products (e.g., analysis of trends, ad hoc analysis of anomalies, etc.). The S-3 MPC interacts with the Processing Archiving Centres (PACs) and the Marine centre at EUMETSAT.
The S-3 MPC service contract is currently carried out by a consortium composed of 23 partners and led by ACRI-ST, France. The S-3 MPC contract was kick-offed in September 2014 with a first set-up phase of 12 months. After the launch of S3-A (planned before end of 2015), the S-3 MPC will start its second phase to support commissioning activities. Then a routine operation phase of up to 5 years will begin, including the commissioning activities related to S3-B when this unit will be launched.
Though all instruments and products of the S-3 mission are in the scope of the S-3 MPC, a certain number of activities are specific to the Optical mission, which includes OLCI, SLSTR and SYN products, some other are specific to the Surface Topography Mission (STM), which addresses validation of topography products over all surfaces.
In the frame of the S-3 MPC, 2 types of activities will be done:
Routine Quality Control, done by dedicated operators based at the MPC/CC; for the optical mission, there will be 3 operators who will monitor the quality of OLCI, SLSTR and SYN products; for STM, one operator will be based at CLS which host the MPC/CC secondary centre
Detailed analysis and specific expertise done by the ESLs (Expert Support Laboratories) based in their own institutes but closely linked to the MPC/CC; 14 ESLs dedicated to the optical mission and 7 ESLs dedicated to STM are part of the S-3 MPC consortium
The role of ESLs is essential as they are responsible for the Instrument and Level 1 processing performance and configuration and for the Level 2 processing and configuration, as well as products validation. More specifically, they are in charge of:
Maintaining the Cal/Val and Cal/Val Implementation plans
Supporting the Satellite Commissioning Team during the S3-A commissioning, get ready and perform S3-B commissioning
Ensuring the Cal/Val Implementation Plan execution, while synthetizing results, and reporting on achieved performances
Proposing sensor and processing baseline evolutions (algorithms & database)
Performing anomaly investigations
The team has been sized to tackle the specificities and the challenges of the optical mission which can be briefly summarised:
The scope of activities is wide due to the size of the mission, with 2 instruments and tens of products to calibrate and validate;
Sentinel-3 is an innovative mission, designed to better fit with the wide spectrum of users’ expectation in terms of accuracy, timeliness and reliability of measurements: if for OLCI, we rely on a strong MERIS background, the Synergy products are new and the SLSTR instrument is radically different from AATSR, leading to specific and new calibration activities;
The high number of ESLs, necessary to cover all aspects of the optical mission, has led to an organisation facilitating cross-cutting discussions and activities between OLCI and SLSTR, as well as identifying synergies between the 2 instruments;
On the STM side, a high qualified team is ready to address the different issues of Sentinal-3 STM payload:
Quality Control activities
The calibration, characterisation and performance of the altimeter (SRAL) and the microwave radiometer (MWR) sensors
Validation of the products and ground processing for topography observations over all the different surfaces (ocean, sea ice, coastal, river and lakes, land ice sheet), but also for wind and wave data.
Assessment of the mission performance, both at global and regional scales, based on comparison with other altimeters and with in-situ data
Support for the continuous improvement of the S-3 STM performance taking into account both operational needs from the Copernicus Service and needs expressed by the scientific community.
During the commissioning phase, the S-3 MPC will progressively start its activities of control and validation of PDGS products. Meanwhile, some partners are involved in phase E1 activities done by the ESTEC teams, which should ensure a seamless transition towards the routine operations phase.
The MPC/CC and the ESLs exchange products, calibration data and reports. The main tool operated at the MPC/CC is the S-3 Mission Performance Monitoring Facility (MPMF), complemented by plug-ins, and by any other additional tools and facilities, software and hardware required to perform the mission performance activities.
Due to the high volume of data which must be exchanged and in order to facilitate the analysis to be performed by the expert scientists, an innovative facility is being implemented as part of the MPC/CC. We propose to all ESLs to use a collaborative platform which is a secured IT environment mixing hardware and software elements enabling users to work remotely. The main benefit is that users do not need to download huge amount of data by performing their processing and analysis where the products are located. Moreover, some specific optical tools, such as the S3 toolbox, ODESA or MERMAID (adapted to OLCI) will be made available. First tests of the platform have been successfully done in last December.