Paper 55 - Session title: Applications: Earthquakes and Tectonics (1)
15:50 Surface Deformation Analysis of 2014 Napa Earthquake Retrieved Through SAR Techniques
Solaro, Giuseppe (1); Castaldo, Raffaele (1); De Luca, Claudio (1,2); Samsonov, Sergey (3); Casu, Francesco (1) 1: IREA-CNR, Naples, Italy; 2: Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, DIETI, Naples, Italy; 3: Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Ottawa, Canada
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Paper 57 - Session title: Applications: Earthquakes and Tectonics (1)
16:10 Co- And Post-Seismic Displacement Field Of The Pisagua Earthquake 2014 based On InSAR And GPS Data
Eckelmann, Felix; Moreno, Marcos; Metzger, Sabrina; Oncken, Onno GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany
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Paper 169 - Session title: Applications: Earthquakes and Tectonics (1)
14:50 Assessment of ScanSAR Interferometry from Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2
Sandwell, David T. (1); Xu, Xiaohua (1); Tong, Xiaopeng (2) 1: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, United States of America; 2: University of Washington, United States of America
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Paper 193 - Session title: Applications: Earthquakes and Tectonics (1)
15:10 California 2014 Earthquake Deformation Imaged with InSAR Time Series: La Habra and South Napa
Fielding, Eric Jameson (1); Milillo, Pietro (2); Bürgmann, Roland (3); Yun, Sang-Ho (1); Liu, Zhen (1); Samsonov, Sergey (4); Agram, Piyush S. (1); Milillo, Giovanni (5) 1: Jet Propulsion Lab, Caltech, Pasadena, Calif., USA; 2: University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy; 3: University of California, Berkeley, California, USA; 4: Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 5: Italian Space Agency CIDOT, Matera, Italy
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Paper 307 - Session title: Applications: Earthquakes and Tectonics (1)
15:30 Probing the 2014 Mw 6.0 South Napa (California) earthquake and postseismic deformation with Sentinel-1 InSAR and GPS
Elliott, John (1); Floyd, Mike (2); Funning, Gareth (3); Hooper, Andy (4); Larsen, Yngvar (5); Marinkovic, Petar (6); Plain, Morgan (4); Samsonov, Sergey (7); Walters, Richard (4); Wright, Tim (4) 1: COMET, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom; 2: Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States; 3: Department of Earth Sciences, UC RIverside, United States; 4: COMET, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, United Kingdom; 5: Norut, Norway; 6: PPO.labs, The Netherlands; 7: Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
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Paper 337 - Session title: Applications: Earthquakes and Tectonics (1)
16:30 Round Table
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Applications: Earthquakes and Tectonics (1)
Back2015-03-24 14:50 - 2015-03-24 17:00
Chairs: Wright, Tim J - Fialko, Yuri