Paper 46 - Session title: Applications: Subsidence and Landslides (4)
15:00 Glacier Lake and Slope Stability Monitoring
Strozzi, Tazio (1); Wiesmann, Andreas (1); Caduff, Rafael (1); Frey, Holger (2); Huggel, Christian (2); Kääb, Andreas (3) 1: Gamma Remote Sensing and Consulting AG, Switzerland; 2: Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 3: Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway
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Paper 142 - Session title: Applications: Subsidence and Landslides (4)
16:00 Use of Space-borne InSAR data to Optimize Landslide Numerical Models: the example of an Ancient Landslide in El Portalet, Central Pyrenees, Spain
Manconi, Andrea (1); Lollino, Piernicola (1); Duro, Javier (2); Mondini, Alessandro (1); Guzzetti, Fausto (1) 1: CNR IRPI, Italy; 2: Altamira Information, Spain
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Paper 186 - Session title: Applications: Subsidence and Landslides (4)
15:40 Three-dimensional Imaging for Rapid Motion of the Slumgullion Landslide, Colorado, with COSMO-SkyMed and UAVSAR
Fielding, Eric Jameson (1); Delbridge, Brent (2); Milillo, Pietro (3); Bürgmann, Roland (2); Hensley, Scott (1); Agram, Piyush S. (1); Minchew, Brent (4); Riel, Bryan Valmonte (4) 1: Jet Propulsion Lab, Caltech, Pasadena, Calif., United States of America; 2: University of California, Berkeley, Calif., United States of America; 3: University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy; 4: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., United States of America
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Paper 241 - Session title: Applications: Subsidence and Landslides (4)
15:20 Advanced Numerical Modelling for Slow Landslide Analyses through the Effective Integration of SBAS-DInSAR and in situ Observations: the Case Study of Ivancich Landslide (Assisi, Italy)
Castaldo, Raffaele (1); Tizzani, Pietro (1); De Novellis, Vincenzo (1); Lollino, Piernicola (2); Manunta, Michele (1) 1: IREA-CNR, Italy; 2: IRPI-CNR, Italy
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Paper 326 - Session title: Applications: Subsidence and Landslides (4)
14:40 InSAR Processing Challenges in Arctic Landscapes
Lauknes, Tom Rune (1); Larsen, Yngvar (1); Dehls, John (2) 1: Norut; 2: Geological Survey of Norway
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Paper 355 - Session title: Applications: Subsidence and Landslides (4)
16:20 Round Table
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Applications: Subsidence and Landslides (4)
Back2015-03-26 14:40 - 2015-03-26 16:50
Chairs: Hooper, Andrew - Perski, Zbigniew