NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) was successfully launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on 2 July 2014. After completing a series of spacecraft check-out activities and orbit raising maneuvers, OCO-2 joined the 705 km Afternoon Constellation (A-Train) on August 6, 2014. Its 3-channel imaging grating spectrometer was then cooled to its operating temperatures and a series of calibration and validation activities was initiated. This instrument’s rapid sampling, small (< 3 km2) sounding footprint, and high sensitivity, combined with an optimized observing strategy, are expected to provide improved coverage of the ocean, partially cloudy regions, and high latitude continents than earlier missions.
In early October, OCO-2 started routinely collecting almost one million soundings over the sunlit hemisphere each day. Around 25% of these soundings (250,000/day) are sufficiently cloud free to yield full column estimates of XCO2. For routine science operations, the instrument’s bore sight is pointed to the local nadir or at the “glint spot,” where sunlight is specularly reflected from the Earth’s surface. Nadir observations provide the best spatial resolution and yield more cloud-free XCO2 soundings over land. Glint observations have much more signal over dark, ocean surfaces, yielding much more complete coverage of the globe. The initial observation sequence alternates between glint and nadir observations on consecutive 16-day ground-track repeat cycles, so that the entire sunlit hemisphere is sampled in both modes at 32-day intervals. This observation sequence is currently being optimized to yield more complete coverage of the globe. OCO-2 can also target selected surface calibration and validation sites to collect thousands of soundings as the spacecraft flies overhead. The primary surface targets include well calibrated surface sites, such as Railroad Valley, Nevada, and Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) stations, which make precise measurements of CO2 and other trace gases from the ground.
The OCO-2 team started delivering calibrated, geo-located, spectra to the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES-DISC) on 30 December, 2014. Deliveries of Level 2 products, including estimates of XCO2, surface pressure, and solar-induces chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) are scheduled to begin before March 30, 2015. This presentation will describe the OCO-2 mission status, early products, and near-term plans. It will also provide a preview of the kinds of information that will be provided by future greenhouse gas monitoring missions, such as the proposed ESA CarbonSat mission, which are expected to provide estimates of XCH4 as well as XCO2 and SIF, with far greater coverage than OCO-2.