Dall, Jørgen (1); Kusk, Anders (1); Nielsen, Ulrik (1); Merryman Boncori, John Peter (2) 1: Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; 2: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy
Mapping the velocity fields of the continental ice sheets and their outlet glaciers is important in order to monitor and model the response of the cryosphere to global climate change. Since the mid 1990s, space-based SAR data have enabled measurement of ice velocities on a continental scale [1]. Compared to interferometry, Offset Tracking techniques excel in terms of robustness and ease of automation. Offset Tracking estimates the range and azimuth displacements by determining the position of the peak resulting when cross-correlating two ice patches mapped with a temporal separation, typically between one day and one month. The term Offset Tracking here refers to a class of methods including (complex or incoherent) speckle tracking [2][3] and feature tracking [4][5][6]. The former does not call for surface features like glacier crevasses, but relies on a stable speckle pattern, which in turn requires coherence to some extent.
TOPS SAR data offer a wide swath at the expense of a coarser azimuth resolution [8], and the interferometric wideswath (IW) product of the Sentinel-1 SAR [10] supports interferometry, as the bursts are synchronized from pass to pass [9] such that the corresponding data pairs are spatially aligned for stationary scenes. Between the two data acquisitions, however, a scatterer with an along track velocity component may move from one burst to the neighbouring one. In the Sentinel-1 GRD product, where the bursts do not overlap [10], this would imply that a patch having a positive Doppler centroid is combined with a patch having a negative Doppler centroid, and since the azimuth steering angle variation of the antenna exceeds the beam width the two Doppler spectra do not overlap, and no cross-correlation peak results. In this case speckle tracking would fail, whereas feature tracking might still work in presence of surface features.
Fortunately, in the Sentinel-1 SLC product neighbouring bursts overlap [10], so patches from corresponding bursts can be cross-correlated, provided the azimuth displacement of the ice does not exceed the burst overlap. Hence, when using SLC data, also speckle tracking is expected to work.
The non-zero Doppler centroid rate introduced by the antenna scanning is a challenge for interferometric processing of nonstationary scenes [11]. Offset Tracking is less impacted, as a constant phase difference has no impact, even not on the complex Offset Tracking. In principle the Doppler centroid rate call for deramping and azimuth common band filtering if speckle tracking is applied to fast moving glaciers [11], but in practice features are more important than speckle when cross-correlating such fast glaciers.
DTU Space has implemented an operational interferometric post processing facility IPP, which has been upgraded with an Offset Tracking capability in the frame of ESA’s Climate Change Initiative [12]. The IPP processor supports the Sentinel-1 SLC product, but currently no Sentinel-1 SLC data pairs from Greenland or Antarctica has been made available. However, the IPP processor has been tested with RADARSAT-2 data acquired in TOPS mode [13]. An ice velocity map covering the Petermann glacier and the adjacent ice sheet in the accumulation zone has been successfully generated. Once appropriate Sentinel-1 SLC data pairs become available more results will be generated. For a range of ice types, the normalized cross-correlations will be computed and compared in statistical terms, thereby testing the hypothesis that
1) in presence of features, a burst in the master data correlates with the corresponding burst in the slave data as well as with the overlapping burst in the slave data
2) in absence of features a burst in the master data correlates with the corresponding burst in the slave data but not with the overlapping burst in the slave data.
If this is verified both GRD data and SLC data can be used to map the velocity of glaciers with surface features, while only SLC data ensure full coverage when the ice does not have any features. In this case, using GRD data results in gaps with a size corresponding to the ice displacement.
[1] E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuchl, “Ice flow of the Antarctic ice sheet”, Science, Vol. 333, p. 1427-1430, 2011.
[2] A.L. Gray, N. Short, K.E. Mattar and K.C. Jezek, “Velocities and flux of the Filchner ice shelf and its tributaries determined from speckle tracking interferometry”, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2001.
[3] I. Joughin, “Ice-sheet velocity mapping: a combined interferometric and speckle-tracking approach”, Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 34, No. 1, p. 195-201, 2002.
[4] B.K. Lucchitta, C.E. Rosanova, K.F. Mullins, “Velocities of Pine Island glacier, West Antarctica, from ERS-1 SAR images, Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 21, 277-283, 1995.
[5] R. Michel, E. Rignot, “Flow of Moreno glacier, Argentina, from repeat-pass Shuttle Imaging Radar images: comparison of the phase correlation method with radar interferometry”, Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 45, No. 149, p. 93-100, 1999.
[6] R. De Lange, A. Luckman, T. Murray, “Improvement of satellite radar feature tracking for ice velocity derivation by spatial frequency filtering”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 45, p. 2309-2317, 2007.
[7] R. Bamler, M. Eineder, “Accuracy of differential shift estimation by correltion and split-bandwidth interferometry for wideband and delta-k SAR systems”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 2, p. 151-155, 2005.
[8] F. De Zan, A.M. Guarnieri, “TOPSAR: Terrain observation by progressive scans”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 44, No. 9, p. 2352-2360, 2006.
[9] https://sentinel.esa.int/web/sentinel/user-guides/sentinel-1-sar/acquisition-modes/interferometric-wide-swath
[10] https://sentinel.esa.int/web/sentinel/user-guides/sentinel-1-sar/product-types-processing-levels/level-1
[11] R. Scheiber, M. Jager, P. Prats-Iraola, F. De Zan, …, “Speckle tracking and interferometric processing of TerraSAR-X TOPS data for mapping nonstationary scenarios”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, DOI 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2360237, 2014.
[12] http://esa-icesheets-cci.org/?q=products#IV_Description
[13] D. Geudtner, “Implementation of the TOPS mode on RADARSAT-2 in support of the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission; RADARSAT-2 TOPS SAR interferometry (InSAR) scene pair data acquisitions”, ESA reference S1-TN-ESA-SY-0452, 2014.