Dr. Hervé Yésou
Project manager
In the 90's, he participated to major EO programs through pilot projects on the exploitation of SAR and optical data: ERS1-2, SPOT 4 MIR and SPOT 5 SIR C/X-SAR for ADRO Radarsat. He was coordinator for an ENVISAT project on wetland monitoring in France and Poland as well as the ESA Water and Fire project on the exploitation of SAR time series and VHR optical data. (Grassland mapping and management, embroachment characterization, etc). The latest years, he was also PI for ALOS, Cosmo Skymed, Deismos, TakeFive experiment aiming to simulate the future Sentinel2 time’s series, Pilot projects. More recently he is involved in Terra SAR X projects focused on archive exploitation, Tandem X DEM generation and qualification, analysis of the extra-wide and very high resolution of the new Terra SAR X modes for wetland and lakes characterization, mapping and monitoring. These actions are carried out both over European and Asian test sites.
Been the European leader of the Flood DRAGON project (2004- 2012), he is now conducting the Wetland-Flood” DRAGON 3 project (2012-2016) during which sustainable development and biodiversity are major skills over major Chinese wetlands, mostly Poyang lake and Anhui Lakes plus Dongting lake, Zhalong. On the topics of monitoring in term of water resource, inundation periods, and their impacts on vegetation with in addition epidemiological implications. Epidemiology is the latest field of application in which SERTIT is involved. Studies began in 2007, by the characterization of the habitat of Schsitosiomasis vector in Poyang lake region. The innovative part of this work was to taking in account the dynamic aspect of monsoon floods and vegetation growth on a monthly basis. A second disease is now handle, Malaria in an urban context in Western Africa. In Asia, he participates also in Planet Action projects over sensitive mangroves and wetlands areas in Vietnam (Tram Chim, in Plaines de Joncs and Central-Western of China (Rouergai and Napahai wetlands).
Since 2000 he has been the external expert for CNES on the definition of VHR future sensors, participating to the ORFEO thematic groups and now he is the leader of the ARCTOS expert panels on risk management for definition of the post Pleiades system. For CNES, he also conducted a study on thematic feasibility of GEO-LEO system for environmental and risk management. Since 2012, he joined the Science Definition Team of the future Nasa_CNES altimetric mission, SWOT.
Activities in education
Hervé Yésou has presented advanced courses on Image Processing, since the end of the 90's within the framework of cooperation projects in West Africa and Europe. In 2003, he also ensured a lectures and training in China on the exploitation of Earth Observation data for disaster rapid mapping in the framework of the Sino French Catachina project. He also regularly participated to seminars on the topics of natural hazards organized at master and doctorate levels (Athens, Telecom Paris) or for a wider public. He also participated to part of ESA Training courses: Lisbon 2007, Pragua 2009, Krakow 2011, Athens 2013, Hanoi 2008, and the ESA-MOST “Dragon 2 advanced Land Training course series ”, Wuhan 2008, Lanzhou 2010, Beijing 2012, Nanchang 2014. In December 2014, he participated to the Do Son School, on Environmental monitoring from Space, organized by CNRS, VAST, IRD and CNES in Hanoi-Do Son, Vietnam. Since 1990, he has supervised more than 25 research students to graduation (MSc) in optical and radar remote sensing applications for environmental/hazards domains.
Distinctions / Memberships
Hervé Yésou has been consulted as an expert on water and Remote sensing Programmes for national (ANR) and international projects (Canada, Luxembourg, EU, and Portugal). He is an active member of the ESA Category-1 Advisory Group and participates to ESA scientific committees.
He has an important scientific journals reviewing activity: International Remote Sensing, since 1995, Computer and Electonics in Agriculture, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, IEEE trans Rem. Sensing, Revue Télédétection, Bull SGF.
Selected publications
Since 1990, the obtained results lead to numerous publications with:
- Reviewed journal papers (23)
- Conference presentations / abstracts (more than 130)
- Scientific and technical reports (95)
- Yésou H., Chastanet P., Maxant J., Huber C., Clandillon S., Battiston St., Proy C., de Fraipont P., 2015: Contribution de l imagerie Pléiades à la cartographie rapide des dégâts suite à des catastrophes majeures: retours d’expérience après deux ans d’actions de cartographie rapide localisées en Asie, en Afrique, en Europe et aux Caraïbes. Revue FPT, 209, 81-88.
- Yésou H., Escudier A., Battiston St., Dardillac JY, Clandillon S., Uribe C., Caspard M., Giraud H., Maxant J., Durand A., Fellah K., Studer M., Huber C., Philippoteaux L., de Fraipont P., Delphine Fontannaz D., 2015: Exploitation de l Imagerie Pleiades en cartographie reactive suite à des catastrophes naturelles ayant affectées le territoire français en 2013. Revue FPT, 209, 149-155.
- Huber C., Li F. , Lai X., Haouet S., Durand A., Butler S., Burnham J., Tinel C., Liu Y. and Yésou H. 2014: Using Pléiades HR data to understand and monitor a dynamic socio-ecological system. China’s Poyang Lake. Revue FPT, 209,125-131
- Han X., Fen L., Chen X. & Yésou H., 2014 : MERIS observations of chlorophyll-a dynamics in Erhai Lake between 2003 and 2009. Int J. Remote Sensing, 35,24, 8309-8322
- Lai, X., Liang, Q., Yésou, H. and Daillet, S., 2014. Variational assimilation of remotely sensed flood extents using a 2-D flood model. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 18, 4325–4339.
- Lai X., Sankman D., Zhang Y., Huber C., Yésou H., 2014: Sand mining and increasing of Poyang lake discharge ability: a reassessment of lake decline in China, J. Hydrology, 519, 1698-1706
- Yésou H., Huber C, Huang S., Studer M., Lai X., Chen X. & Daillet S. 2014: Water resource monitoring based on EO data: gained experience after 10 years of DRAGON programme over the Yangtze middle reaches: From ERS1 to Sentinel 1, and from MERIS to HJ and Pleiades HR. Proceedings Mid Term Results of Dragon III, 26-28 May 2014, Chengdu, Sichuan Pr. , PR China. ESA SPS 742
- Huber C., Huang S., Lai X., Chen X., Stuber M., and Daillet–Rochette S. and Yésou H., 2014: Yangze river’s connecting lakes hydrological analysis exploiting 14 years of DRAGON time series and field measurements. Proceedings Mid Term Results of Dragon III, 26-28 May 2014, Chengdu, Sichuan Pr. , PR China. ESA SPS 742
- Yésou H., Sarti F., Tholey N., Mouratidis A., Clandillon S., Huber Cl., Studer M. & de Fraipont P., 2013: Addressing emergency flood mapping and monitoring of inland water bodies with Sentinel 1-2. Expectative and perspectives. Living Planet Symposium, Edinburg, Scotland, UK, 9-13 September 2013, ESA SP 722
- Yésou H., Huber Claire, Huang Shifeng, Lai Xijun and Daillet–Rochette Sylviane 2013: Chinese lakes behaviors in the framework of meteorology and water management practices: EO based monitoring lessons. Proceedings Living Planet Symposium, Edinburg, Scotland, UK, 9-13 September 2013, ESA SP 722
- Yésou H., Huber C., Lai X., Averty S., Li J., Daillet S., Bergé-Nguyen M., Chen X., Huang S., Burnham J., Crétaux JF, Marie T. Li J., Andreoli R. and Uribe C. , 2010: Nine years of monitoring of water resource over the Yangtze middle reaches exploiting ENVISAT, MODIS, Beijing 1 time series, altimetric data, and field measurements: "Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management", Special Issue: WLC Special Issue, Volume 16, Issue 3, pages 231–247, September 2011
- Huber C., Lai X., Uribe C., Huang S., Marie T., Chen X., Andréoli R. Li J., Yésou H. 2010: Influence of spatial resolution on water bodies detection and relationship between water extent and water level, Case of Poyang Lake (PR China). ESA SP 686, Proceedings of « Living Planet Symposium », 27 June – 2 July 2010, Bergen, Norway.
- Leeuw J, Shankman D., Wu G., Boer FW, Burnham J., He Q., Yésou H. and Xiao J., 2010: Strategic assessment of the magnitude and impacts of sand mining in Poyang lake, China, Reg. Env. Change10, 2, 95-102
- Andreoli R., Yésou H. , Li J., Desnos Y-L. , Huang S. , de Fraipont P 2008: Poyang Lake (Jiangxi Province, Pop. Rep. of China) Area Variations between January 2004 and June 2006 Using ENVISAT Low and Medium Resolution Time Series. Journ. GIS. Vol 13, 01-02, 24-35
- Li J., Yésou H., Malosti R., Andreoli R., Huang S., Xin J., Cattaneo F. , 2008: Near Real time exploitation of ENVISAT for flood monitoring in PR China during the 2005,2006 and 2007 raining and typhoons seasons. Final results the Dragon Programme, ESA Special Publication (SP-655).
- Yésou H., Allenbach B., Andreoli R., Battiston St., Bestault Cl., 2007: Synergy of SAR and optical data for flood monitoring: the 2005-2006 Central European gained experience, ENVISAT Symposium, Montreux, ESA, ESA SP.
- Andreoli R. and Yésou H., 2007: Assessment of the change detection procedure dedicated to flood monitoring using Wide Swath mode data. Final results of the Dragon Programme, ESA Special Publication (SP-655)
- Yésou H., Meyer C., Clandillon S. et de Fraipont P., 2001 : Apport des futures données haute et très haute résolution du satellite SPOT 5 pour la gestion de l'espace. Bull. SFPT.164-165, 162-136.
- Yésou H., Chastanet P., de Fraipont P., Dossmann P., Stock N., Bequignon J. 2001:Mapping Floods in France, Backscatter,vol 12, 3, 23_26