
Please click on this link to submit your abstract. Deadline 19 June 2015. Early submissions are welcome.


We are planning to have an exhibition to enable you to make demonstration during the meeting.

This can include Visualisation, Education and Art. The space will be limited.

If you are interested to be an exhibitor, please download here the exhibitor form and deliver it duly filled-in to esa.conference.bureau@esa.int no later than 19 June 2015. The space is limited and only a few exhibitors can be selected. Exhibitor acceptances will be sent in July.

Click here to download: Map of the Exhibition and Poster area


To apply for participation in the SNAP Hackathon, please send us a brief profile (e.g. programming and remote sensing skills) and any idea regarding potential development to esa.conference.bureau@esa.int with cc to hackathon2015@brockmann-consult.de
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